1. 中国地调局项目, 库尔勒冲洪积平原地下水资源评价及循环更新能力研究, 2014/09-2016-03
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(青年基金), 示踪CO2咸水层封存地球化学响应的监测指标体系研究, 2013/01-2015/12
3. 中国博士后科学基金, 渤海湾盆地馆陶组咸水层CO2-水-岩反应机理实验研究, 2014/04-2015/12
4. 吉林省科技厅软科学项目, 吉林省地热资源远景区预测与产业发展模式研究, 2014/01-2015/12
5. 中科院项目, 盆地地热田三维建模与资源潜力评价, 2014/06-2015/06
6. 中国地调局项目, 那陵郭勒河流域地下水与地表水转化关系及地下水可更新能力研究, 2011/4-2013/12 (参加)
1.Yaoxuan Chen, Fengtian Yang*, Xiaosi Su, Ning Xie, Ming Bai, Xue Zhang. 2016. Estimation of groundwater renewal rate using environmental isotopes in the arid upper Peacock River, NW China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10967-016-4979-y.
2. Fengtian Yang, Zhonghe Pang, Zhongfeng Duan. 2016. Distinguishing between faults and coal collapse columns based on sediment dating: a case study of the Huainan coal field, China. Environental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5761-8.
3. Xiaosi Su, Wei Xu, Fengtian Yang*, Pucheng Zhu. 2015. Using new mass balance methods to estimate gross surfacewater and groundwater exchange with naturally occurringtracer 222Rn in data poor regions: a case study in northwestChina. Hydrological Processes, 29(6): 979-990.
4. Fengtian Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jinxia Liu, Zhonghe Pang, Dankun Zhou. 2015. Combined Monte Carlo simulation and geological modeling for geothermal resource. World Geothermal Congress 2015.
5. Yiman Li, Zhonghe Pang, Fengtian Yang. 2015. Geochemicalresponses of a saline aquifer to CO2 injection: experimental studyon Guantao formation of Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Greenhouse Gas: Science and Technology, 6(1): 125-137.
6. Fengtian Yang, Zhonghe Pang, Li Lin, Zhi Jia, Fengna Zhang, Zhongfeng Duan, Zhenhai Zong. 2013. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence for trans-formational flow in asedimentary basin: Implications for CO2 storage. Applied Geochemistry,30: 4-15.
7. 段忠丰, 庞忠和, 杨峰田. 2013. 华北地区煤系地层岩石热导率特征及对热害的影响. 煤炭科学技术,8: 15-17+21.
8. 杨峰田, 庞忠和, 王彩会, 段忠丰, 罗璐, 李义曼. 2012. 苏北盆地老子山地热田成因模式. 无需充值注册就送38元学报(地球科学版), 42(2): 468-475.
9. 庞忠和, 杨峰田, 袁利娟, 李义曼. 2011. 新疆塔县盆地地热显示与热储温度预测. 地质论评, 51(1): 86-88.
10. Zhonghe Pang, Fengtian Yang, Tianming Huang, Zhongfeng Duan. 2010. Genesis analysis of geothermal systems in Guanzhong Basin of China with implications onsustainable geothermal resources development. World Geothermal Congress 2010.
11. 庞忠和, 杨峰田, 段忠丰. 2008. 二氧化碳地质封存技术发展现状与展望,第二届废物地下处置学术研讨会,479-492.
12. 庞忠和, 杨峰田, 李义曼, 段忠丰, 黄天明. 2014. 一种CO2地质封存中水岩反应的批式实验装置. 专利, CN201110440668.